“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
    and your young men shall see visions,
    and your old men shall dream dreams;
 even on my male servants and female servants
    in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.” (Acts 2:17-18)

In the interests of DEI and identity politics, the American nation is being torn apart by differing forces and movements. Some people desire that we need to come together in peace and harmony by recognizing what we have in common. Many more, however, say unity is achieved by stressing the uniqueness and autonomy of each individual. This is why we have special months devoted to certain groups to stress the importance of these differences, to empower individuals to embrace and celebrate their uniqueness. Yet, as Christians, we realize that, while each individual is unique, each is also a sinner. Each is selfish and self-centered, not God-centered. Each individual claiming autonomy rejects Almighty God and His Word. No good can come from this attitude for it is a paradox which destroys unity, love, and kindness in favor of hatred, violence, and intolerance.

The Church of Jesus Christ, we who have faith in Him have been given the key to bring unity and peace to all. The key is the Holy Spirit. On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples of Jesus with great power manifested by intense fervor and zeal. The Holy Spirit filled each of the disciples enabling each to speak in languages they did not know to people who did: Jews who were in Jerusalem from other parts of the Roman Empire, all gathered for the harvest feast of First Fruits. And the first fruits of the New Covenant were gathered in the church that day. 3000 people believed and were baptized.

The Holy Spirit is given to each one who has faith in Jesus. Through the Church He is working constantly to bring all human beings to repentance and faith and, therefore into the unity of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the antithesis of identity politics, DEI, and CRT. In the Church men and women of all nationalities, ethnicities, languages, and races are one with each other in and through Jesus Christ. We derive our identity and define our character by our citizenship in His Kingdom. We rest on the authority of His word and the joy of His forgiveness. Now in Christ all can be united by the Holy Spirit in common faith, not by their own works or by following religious laws, not by their culture, language, or race, but by the work of Jesus on the cross.