“And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.” (Ezekiel 17:24)

Quite often I get into discussions on social media over the spiritual implications of daily events. The most recent of these discussions concerns a post I made concerning the solar eclipse back in April. I posted this remark: The most amazing thing about the eclipse I think is that the moon is so positioned and shaped that it can totally and perfectly block out the sun albeit for a brief period of time. Chance? Big bang? Or awesome Almighty God who created all things? The heavens declare His glory but most people do not see it. They just glory in the fact that they see it without turning to God to repent of their selfishness and sin. God is speaking in the heavens, in the storms, in the earthquake. Time to wake up and listen. Jesus is the only way to God for He is God, the second person of the Trinity.

An event like this eclipse shows our God as an intelligent creator and designer. Some respondents agreed, but many ridiculed my view and ridiculed me for believing such nonsense as the existence of God and continue to do so 2 months later. Perhaps some of them are just trolls disguising their angst and hatred of God. Many told me with great confidence and condescension that science explains the origins of the universe, that evolution is sacrosanct, and that God does not exist, or more specifically, my God does not exist. My argument that Genesis 1 and 2 states the truth of creation told by the only one who was there was dismissed with scorn.

Many may dismiss me as irrelevant, but, try as they might, they cannot dismiss God. Regardless of what the other may think about him, or whether they deny His existence, their opinion does not change the fact that He is and that He is in control of all things and that all of us are accountable to Him. This truth is spoken by Ezekiel in this prophecy about the Messiah. This prophecy follows a condemnation of the people of Judah for their unfaithfulness and wickedness. When the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar led the leading people of Jerusalem off into exile, he left Zedekiah as his puppet ruler. Although Zedekiah was in a place where he had opportunity to look to the Lord and lead the nation in repentance, he sought help from other nations for help, but received nothing. 

They did not trust God who is always in control and always true to His word. He always keep his promises. Those who disrespect and disregard Him have no where to look for help and comfort. When in trouble and suffering they can find nothing of substance that will provide lasting comfort or strength. The plain fact is, man always thinks he knows better than God even though the lessons of history prove that we really have no clue. The Lord, however, promises to provide help and security to His people, if only they look to Him, repent and keep faith with Him. He will provide help, strength, guidance and mercy to those who come seeking Him even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Those who look to human ways and ideas and strength for answers to life’s problems will always be disillusioned, but those who trust in God will not be disappointed.