“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.  (John 16:13-14)

It seems that truth these days is no longer considered absolute but a concept that is up for grabs. Individual truth is based on the unique thoughts, experiences, and desires of that specific person. Truth is considered to be whatever the individual chooses to believe. Logically, this is a major problem for it is a paradox. Individuals who maintain that truth is relative are bound to contradictothers and clash over their ideologies. Hence those in the woke cancel culture are seeking to suppress views and ideas which maintain that truth is absolute through the media, and the government and shaming. People are filled with dismay over the radical changes woke culture is trying to force upon others. Though the proponents of woke and cancel culture may seem to be powerful and pervasive, they stand opposed to the Kingdom of God. They are doomed to fail because they cannot prevail against God. 

On the night of the Last Supper, Jesus warned us about such times. He shared words of admonition and comfort with His disciples. He told them that not only would He be leaving shortly, but that they would suffer persecution for His name and He wasn’t going to around to help them and give them advice and encouragement. Yet He did encourage them by telling them that His place would be taken by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would be with them at all times and in every place and situation. He would use them and all who would place their faith in Jesus to do the work the Lord called them to do. The job of the Holy Spirit was to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. This meant that the Spirit of God would reveal to all men their sins in light of the gospel. He would grant those who believed, who had faith, the righteousness of Jesus. All would be judged by their response to that faith. This is not a social construct that we can redefine as we please. This is absolute truth that we can hold onto to in these times of chaos. 

The Holy Spirit is at work in us. The Lord has commissioned us as His ambassadors to preach the gospel. Many of us shrink back from that commission with the excuse that we lack the courage, wisdom, speaking ability or talent to do so. But this is no excuse because it is obvious that we do lack such abilities and the Lord knows this! The Holy Spirit will enable each believer to do that which he or she cannot. He will provide each of us with the words we need at the appropriate time. He will use us to speak of Jesus and His love. He will use us to witness for the Name of Jesus. He will use us to bring God glory by leading others to Him.