“In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?

“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
    nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
    and chastises every son whom he receives.”
(Hebrews 12:4-6)

The author of Hebrews was addressing believers who were suffering under some serious persecution but not as punishment for their sins. They were suffering at the hands of sinful men. So he drew a parallel with the suffering of Christ on the cross. He suffered at the hands of sinful men, shedding His blood as punishment for our sins. 

The writer addressed believers who were being harassed and ostracized, suffering the loss of livelihood and property. and it was getting worse. The persecution by the Roman Empire had started but not to the point of blood shed or martyrdom. That would come soon, and perhaps that was on the minds those the writer addressed. These believers were growing weary from what they were enduring, filled with a spiritual and emotional fatigue that was tempting many to quit the faith. 

Our writer rebukes these faint hearted ones by citing Proverbs 3 to remind the believers that the Lord loved them and was working in their lives. Many were caving in to the pressure, losing faith in Jesus, falling back into unbelief and sin. He wrote to bolster their faith. The Lord was using this time of trial to discipline them, to build up their faith so they would trust Him and Him alone to get them through these tough times. If they faltered now, they certainly would not be ready for the rougher road ahead.

Suffering, adversity, and difficult times should not make us think the Lord is angry with us or that He is punishing us for sin. The Lord disciplines us for our benefit, for our good, to build us up. And such discipline can often be painful to the point of suffering pain and loss. Any of the losses, sacrifices, pain, trials, persecution and tribulations we endure in the course of our lives are to be embraced for the Lord is using them to discipline us, to help us continue to run the course and grow into the image and likeness of Christ. The pain is worth it for the prize is assured us. Therefore we can persevere as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus. He will not fail us.