“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:25-28)
As Jesus spent time in the Temple in the days before He was to be crucified, He took the opportunity to teach the disciples and those gathered around Him some lessons about the priorities of the Kingdom of God. The people of ancient Israel and Judah had consistently neglected the poorest people, widows and orphans. This they did despite the fact that they claimed to be godly and righteous. Because of this, and because as a whole they would reject Jesus as their Messiah, the Lord was going to punish them as He had done centuries earlier. Jesus warned His disciples of the signs that would precede the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans so that they would be prepared and so avoid the punishment that would fall on the Jews.
The signs Jesus described will also occur at the end of the age, when the Lord returns. Although we do not know when that will happen, we are advised to observe the signs for they indicate the His return is near. Perhaps as we look around at our world today we see these signs that Jesus prophesied. Many report seeing signs in the heavens, which some attribute to UFOs or extra terrestrials. There are wars all over the globe as well as devastating natural disasters which afflict millions. We are in the midst of a dreadful worldwide pandemic. Wickedness, anger, lawlessness, and violence are on the increase. Many no longer believe in the God who has revealed Himself in Jesus, preferring to create their own gods, formed in their own image, according to their own rules. And faithful believers are being persecuted.
Martin Luther, in his sermon End Times preached in 1540 said these words:
The longer the world stands, the worse it becomes. It seems that now, too the world’s wickedness is increasing. This is actually comforting to us Christians. Now, too, the more we preach, the less attention people pay. . . . People are bent on increasing wickedness and wantonness at an overwhelming speed. We cry out and preach against this; we say that the princes should hinder it. But what good does it do? It does, however, do us good in that we may expect the Last Day sooner.
Because we know Christ can return at any time, we should be concerned about all those who will face God’s wrath. We should continue to preach the gospel of the salvation found in Jesus alone and be prepared to endure persecution. In addition we should preach the gospel with works of charity and compassion. The purpose as always is to glorify God by serving as His instruments of love and reconciliation so that the lost may enter His Kingdom before it is too late.