“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2)
During these past years of pandemic, no doubt many felt abandoned by God. Many wondered why God did not just step in to prevent COVID from become so deadly, why He didn’t step in to miraculously cure a friend or loved one? Was God angry at us as a nation? Was He punishing people for their sins? Many turned to the Lord for wisdom, comfort, and strength and found faith and eternal life. Yet many more gave into hatred, violence, and wickedness.
As faithful believers we can take comfort in the opening words of chapter 8 of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. His words constitute one of the most comforting and liberating Scriptures in the entire Bible: There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Those who have faith in Jesus stand righteous and holy in the sight of God. These words are a great relief to all of us for we need not be paralyzed by fear of what is going on in the world, nor by the guilt and shame we may endure over our own sins. These words of Paul, the words of God Himself, stir our hearts, emotions, minds, and our will to rejoice in the great love and mercy of God which He has shown us in Christ Jesus.
“No condemnation” is definite and specific good news, the best news we have ever heard in our lives. We who are in Christ Jesus are no longer condemned. We have peace with God. Christ has atoned for our sins. We have been forgiven of every sin. We now stand in right relationship to God. Even in times of pandemic, violence, and chaos, and the world is overwhelmed by fear and despair, we can rejoice because we are certain that despite what we are enduring, despite the chaos and suffering going on around us, we can be certain that God loves us!
God has given us His Holy Spirit who plays a dynamic and vigorous role in enabling us to experience the joy of the assurance of faith. We can rejoice in the midst of trials for He makes the new life in Christ real to us. He applies to us the benefits of salvation so that we no longer walk according to the law of sin and death, but the law of the Spirit. He enables us to rest in the power of the Holy Spirit so we can carry out God’s will without fear.