“So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. Did that which is good, then, bring death to me? By no means! It was sin, producing death in me through what is good, in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure.” (Romans 7:12-13)

Paul depicts here in graphic terms his own personal struggle with sin. He like us, had tried to be good, to please God by following the Mosaic Law as he and his colleagues in the Pharisees had interpreted it. Those who tried to please God by works of legalism had great hubris to think they could please God by their own works.

Paul knew that he had been saved by the faith given Him by Jesus. Yet he knew he was not perfect, that he struggled with temptation and evil desires. Few these days would make such an admission. Instead we see open denial of sinful behavior broadcast throughout the media by celebrities, politicians, and criminals who refuse to admit wrongdoing even when caught in the act. Many blame someone else, society, or their parents for their behavior. Or else they embrace their sinful nature, labeling it as normal, their chosen lifestyle. This is who they are; they have not sinned. Those who say otherwise are the ones who sin.

Yet the Lord God Almighty has determined what is good and what is evil and no one should ignore what He has said in His Word. He does not ignore sin or redefine it. Those who embrace sin as their norm an their right are dead in their sins, dead to Christ Jesus. This deadness so permeates society that sinfulness and evil run nearly unchecked. Educational institutions, government, social scientists, and law enforcement cannot stem the tide of lawlessness, and, in many cases has accepted it, redefined it so that what the Word of God condemns as sin is no longer considered such. You shall not steal. You shall not lie. You shall not commit sexual immorality. You shall not worship or serve other gods, including the god of self. These are all disregarded.

The Church of our Lord Jesus is called to stand against evil in all its forms. The church is called to expose evil and sin in all individuals and on every level of society. The reason is that only Jesus offers real hope and peace to all, to those who are struggling with guilt and shame. Such guilt can lead them to faith in Jesus if these sinful souls do not ignore or disregard it.