“For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” (Romans 8:22-23)

These past few years most, if not all of us, have endured some form of suffering, pain, or grief, either by personal experience or that of our loved ones. None of us likes to undergo such suffering, but, as we see in these words of Paul, such suffering is part of living in a fallen world. Sin infests the world and infects all the people in it, and so heartache and pain is the result for everyone. But the apostle Paul provides comfort to we hurting Christians in those times of sickness, suffering, and tribulation. Like Isaiah, Paul upholds the great truth of God in Christ Jesus as our only rock of strength and consolation, our source of faith and eternal life. This consolation is not available to those who reject Him. What others place their trust in is as useless as the idols and false gods the pagans worshipped in ancient times.

We who have faith in Jesus must realize that we are out of sync with the rest of the world, that we do not agree with or practice the ways of the world or the values that it enforces and enshrines. This is not unusual, not a sign of emotional disorder or misanthropy. This is the norm for believers, because this world is not our home. So while we are here, we are distressed and disturbed by the evil around us and the suffering we endure. We struggle with temptation, and and sickness, violence, and persecution. We groan and cry out to the Lord in prayer. 

Yet we can rejoice for we are already part of the new creation, the Kingdom of God which is already but not yet. It has arrived in the person and work of Jesus the Savior and King; it is manifest in the Church, imperfectly but present and active. So we do feel too comfortable and at ease in this world. We are in the Kingdom of God. We can, in the midst of our troubles, cry out to the Lord and He will hear us and help us to endure.