“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'” (Romans 10:13-15)

Over the past few years, most of us encountered pompous pontificators on the broadcast and social media. These include politicians, celebrities, “influencers”, just about anyone who wants to be noticed, quoted, extolled, or even maligned. They speak as if they know the solution to all the world’s problems. They engage in virtue signaling to force or shame others to do things their way, as if they were the arbiters of good and evil. Their sense of morality is based on their own thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately, these thoughts and ideas are based on an ungodly worldview that centers on the individual but have their basis in the demonic. 

We believers may take offense at such people, but should we? Rather we should be compassionate and zealous for the gospel as was the apostle Paul. He hoped that his fellow Jews would hear and believe the gospel at some time in the future. He was aware that though they were zealous for the things of the Lord, their desires and sincerity were insufficient for salvation for they were self-righteous. They were proud of their morality, proud that they were better than every other race of people. Although they claimed to follow the Lord and do His will, they really stood in rebellion against Him. They needed to renounce their own righteousness and prejudice, repent and believe in the righteousness of Jesus. This is true of all people of all people today for virtue signaling and racial protests are merely another form of righteousness by works not faith. All who believe that their deeds and good works make them righteous and earn them a place in heaven are lost no matter how moral they seem or claim to be.

Therefore the Lord calls upon the church to fulfill our calling through preaching the gospel to people we do not like or do not like us. For in order to be saved, sinners must call on the name of the Lord and for that to happen they must know of the death and resurrection of Jesus. For that to happen some one must tell them just as someone told us, unworthy sinners though we were. God in His sovereign will has chosen believers to be that someone, to be His instruments to proclaim the gospel. Thus we are to preach to all that they might be saved. There is no greater task!