And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’” (Matthew 14:32-33)

In Job 38 the Lord proclaimed His power over all creation, over all the forces of nature. In the event that Matthew records, Jesus walks on the water. The Jews of Jesus’ day expected the coming of the Messiah to be accompanied by many signs and wonders. The feeding of the 5 thousand was one such sign Jesus performed akin to Moses giving manna to the Israelites in the Wilderness. In addition, Jesus, like Moses, had power over natural forces. Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea so the people could pass through the waters. But Jesus is Lord of the sea. He did not need to part it: He walked on the surface! He showed the apostles, as He shows us, that He is no mere man like Moses. He is greater than Moses. He is no mere political or military leader. He is the Creator and sustainer of all life.

Jesus’ power over the natural forces in the world is certainly a great encouragement to us. If Jesus can control the wind and the waves then we really should realize that He certainly has the power to help us to “walk on water”, to endure with faith all the suffering and persecution that assault us, as well as the scourges of our sinful world. 

But, like Peter, we doubt Him especially when we look at the circumstances. These distress us and fill us with doubt and fear. We call out to the Lord to save us, for we are terrified of the danger, the uncertainty, and the pain. The Lord understands how we feel but He wants us to know that nothing will overtake us that He cannot enable us to endure or handle. He will forgive our doubts and encourage us to carry on. He will never condemn us for our weakness but will give us the ability to show his love and compassion to all even in the midst of the tribulations that assault us.