But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

This week’s readings all deal with the Second Coming of the Lord in some way. The theme of course reminds us that we will soon be in the season of Advent, a time when we recall the Lord’s first Coming. But this theme also seems appropriate for the times in which we live. In these past few years billions us were all living in the grip of fear, the fear of Corona virus. This is true despite the fact that most people who have been infected with COVID have recovered, myself included. And now billions are living with the fear of terrorism and violence. Why are we so afraid? For many people it is the fear of death for hey do not know or are uncertain about what awaits them beyond the grave.

But we who have faith in Jesus are given comfort and encouragement in the Word of God here in Paul’s letter to the Christians at Thessalonica who faced similar fears. He tells us that all those who have died in Christ are now alive in Him in heaven. And all those still alive on earth when Jesus returns will be reunited with the faithful at His Second Coming. All will have resurrected bodies. This is great comfort and encouragement because we know that despite what happens in our lives, we who have faith in Christ have the assurance of eternal life in heaven.

So Paul’s words also give us comfort when faced with our own mortality or when a loved one dies. We need such encouragement in the midst of our troubling and violent times and so we pray earnestly for the Lord’s return and soon! But what about those who do not know the Lord? Can they expect any such comfort? The return of Christ, an event we look forward to with joy, is not going to be pleasant for billions including some people we love and admire. The prophet Amos described it as a day of darkness and suffering for those who have no faith. And, judging by the pain and anguish we feel now amidst our current tribulation and anarchy, we can see with horror that the Lord’s judgment will be extremely distressing for those without faith. They have no hope. Therefore we must continue to preach the gospel to all nonbelievers that they will come to faith before it is too late.