“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

The light of God’s glory shines in us, in what Paul refers to human beings as their valuables in common and unattractive clay jars to deceive thieves who would not be likely to look there. But today, many would take umbrage at being compared to something common, dull, plain, and unsightly. Many today think that the world revolves around them, that everyone ought to take notice of their individual beauty and talents. Those who feel this way have no need for God, have no need to fellowship with Him or thank Him for anything.

Paul used the term jars of clay to refer to the human body which is frail, weak, and mortal when compared to God. And, in addition, the frail human body of the believer, the one who has faith in Christ, has no inherent beauty save that which is imparted by God. His glory dwells within the heart and life of the every believer.

At the beginning of time, when the Lord God created the universe, he began on Day 1 with the words: “Let there be light!” His glory and care continued to shine throughout the history of the Jews and culminated in Jesus our Redeemer and Savior, the light of the world. His glory continues today as His Holy Spirit takes up residence in the heart of every believer. God who has said ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ is the same God who is shining in our hearts, giving us the light of His wisdom and love.

That is a fantastic idea: the same exact power that brought light to the universe at the beginning of time is now living in us, living in the heart of every believer with a blinding light that illuminates our souls, blazing through us every day as sunlight streams through a window. Such a thought should inspire us to live a life marked by love and service to others, a life of holiness and godly righteousness. It should help us avoid succumbing to temptation as we realize that, in the face of such dazzling glory, it is very hard to hold on to our dark places, to entertain or give in to our sinful thoughts, desires and impulses, or to live a life centered on self. Jesus fills us with life, wisdom, and talents that we might give Him glory.