“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace,. . . “ (Ephesians 2:14-15, ESV)

In Ephesians, Paul addressed a group composed of Gentile believers. He reminded them that at one time, since they were not members of God’s chosen people, they were all excluded from God’s Kingdom as were all non-Jews. They had no hope of eternal life, no hope of reconciliation with the Father, no ability to obtain forgiveness for their sins. They were under the condemnation of the Law of God. This alienation from God was represented by the wall in the Temple that separated the Court of the Gentiles from the main Temple area. This wall kept Gentiles out of the inner courts especially the Holy of Holies where God dwelt. This wall barred them from participation in the blessings of God’s covenant.

But the wall also represented those external characteristics that separated the Jews from everyone else; those things that they felt showed that they were superior to all other human beings: their ceremonial law, the rules and regulations for sacrifices, feasts, circumcision, diet, and ritual cleanness and uncleanness in personal and social life. These regulations reminded the Jews of their favored status as God’s chosen people, that they were set them apart from the rest of humanity and unto God. And so, the Jews alone were the only ones who had access to the promises of God, the sole beneficiaries of His covenant. 

That sense of superiority is the basis of all racism and ethic hatred. My race, my nationality, my culture makes me better than everyone else or so it is thought. But the solution is not legislation, education, virtue shaming, or violence. The solution to all division among human beings is found only in Jesus Christ. He broke down that wall of division of man from God, allowing access to the Father through Jesus Himself. If we are in Him, we are united with God regardless of our nationality, ethnicity, or race. If we are now in Christ, we have this peace with God. Those who are not in Christ, those who have rejected His offer of faith and mercy, lack such peace which is why we see so much division and hatred across our nation and our world. People hate those who are not the same as they are, who do not share the same political views, lifestyles, or opinions.  But Jesus broke down the wall of hostility and separation from God with the sacrifice of His life and blood, thereby reconciling us to God the Father Almighty. This relationship unites us with all fellow believers through Jesus our Lord.