Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

The meek person is one who is gentle, humble, considerate, and self-controlled. He does not get violent or fly off the handle or seek vengeance. Jesus uses it here to denote humility and self-control based on the previous two beatitudes, which constitute a realistic and honest estimation of ourselves. If we know we are sinners and are filled with deep sorrow because of it, we will conduct ourselves with meekness for we realize that we are not good in the eyes of God. We are no better than anyone else. We cannot boast of any good attributes. Yet God still loves us. This attitude will enable us to treat others as God treats us: with gentleness, humility, sensitivity, compassion and patience no matter what they do or say to or about us.

In the world meek people get nowhere because they are either ignored or trampled on by others. The tough, overbearing, aggressive and arrogant succeed while weaklings are swept aside. Yet in God’s Kingdom the arrogant are the one’s who never are satisfied, never really get what they want because they always want more. The meek, however they may be abused and deprived, can be at peace because they are members of God’s Kingdom. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:10, we have nothing yet possess everything. The meek are blessed by fellowship with Christ on earth and by the assurance that we shall reign with Him. The meek, not the strong, will possess the true blessings of heaven.