“Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'” (Luke 3:21-22, ESV)

Luke introduces the account of Jesus’ ministry with a description of His forerunner or prophet, John the Baptist. His ministry indicates that God is about to do a new thing, to create a new covenant, to do away with the old system of religion and Law. The chief elements of that covenant were repentance and baptism. No longer will God accept animal sacrifices and grain offerings. He desires a changed life, a new heart, repentance, an admission that one is sinful and wicked. The public proclamation of such an admission is proclaimed by baptism, which indicates that one has died to self and the old ways, a total change of life. Thus repentance must be marked by the fruit of righteousness as well as a concern for the poor and oppressed.
Baptism served then as the sign of a person’s dedication to God, commitment to righteousness, and new life. That is why Jesus came to be baptized: to mark the start of His ministry. The time of repentance and God’s forgiveness was at hand. When Jesus came to be baptized, however, he had no need to repent for He had no sin. He came to identify with us, to show He was a man and obedient to His Father. And yet Jesus was no mere man. The appearance of the Holy Spirit and the voice from heaven at His baptism indicate to us that He has a unique relationship with God. He is the Son of God and thus He is God. He is uniquely qualified to be our Savior and mediator. But because He is God, we must heed His teaching to love and serve Him with our whole being.