
ur Boards meet the first Tuesday of each month. If the Spirit moves you and you have a specialized skill that you would like to share with our ministry please call the church office at 516-931-2225.

Board of Christian Education – The primary function of this board is to ensure that the School and Early Childhood Center provide a quality, Christ-centered education for member children and others as may be accommodated. The Principal shall be a member of this Board.

The Board shall:

  • Develop and publicize the School’s mission statement to foster Lutheran distinctiveness and excellence in education. Ensure that the School’s mission is in harmony with the Congregation’s mission and purpose.
  • Advise and support the School principal who is the executive administrator responsible for daily management of all aspects of the School’s operation. Review and approve the annual student handbook.
  • Recommend candidates to fill commissioned minister of religion positions to the Voters’ Assembly. When a vacancy occurs in the Principal’s office, participate in the calling or engaging of a new Principal.
  • Review and provide guidance for educational programs to ensure that they fulfill the School’s mission and meet state requirements.
  • Review and provide guidance for the funding and financial management of the School. Recommend facilities and equipment necessary to support the School.
  • Insure that a policy is developed and enforced that will protect the welfare of our children and leaders. This policy includes but is not limited to, background checks and two deep leadership at all youth events.
  • Develop specific short and long term goals annually.

Board of Outreach – The primary function of the Board of Outreach is to foster a climate of evangelism that will encourage members of the congregation to witness Christ to the community and encourage mission and assimilation emphasis in all ministries of the congregation. A staff member shall be a member of this Board.

The Board shall:

  • Develop an ongoing year-round program of mission education, inspiration, and participation in the Congregation.
  • Develop and implement the work of evangelism, new member associations, and special mission projects.
  • Publicize the work of the congregation through various channels. Integrate the congregation’s work into the life of the community.
  • Together with the Board of Stewardship, challenge the individual and collective membership of the Congregation to strive for an ever greater financial support for world missions through District and Synod.
  • Promote fellowship among members and to present a Christ-like image to those around us.
  • Develop specific short and long term goals annually.

Board of Properties – The primary function of this board is to assume responsibility for the care and maintenance of all properties owned by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hicksville. The maintenance supervisor shall be a member of this Board.

The Board shall:

  • Oversee capital improvements and repairs.
  • Share responsibility for hiring all maintenance staff.
  • Negotiate and recommend for approval by the Church Council all official documents and contracts relative to the properties of the congregation including service contracts, insurance contracts and purchase agreements.
  • Propose to the Council any immediate repairs necessary to maintain all Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and School properties in the best interests of the congregation.
  • Develop specific short and long term goals annually.

Board of Stewardship – The mission of the Board of Christian Stewardship is to develop and carry out a continuing, Bible-based program of stewardship education. The Board seeks to build an awareness that the offering of time, talents, and treasures is an essential part of worship. The program will be a year-round effort that encourages personal goals, and provides opportunities to serve and offer gifts to the glory of God. A staff member shall be a member of this Board.

The Board shall:

  • Develop a specific stewardship emphasis annually.
  • Encourage parishioners to generously volunteer their time and talents and treasures within the congregation and the community.
  • Encourage parishioners to generously share their God-given treasures with the needy.
  • Together with the Board of Outreach, challenge the individual and collective membership of the Congregation to strive for an ever greater financial support for world missions through District and Synod.
  • Develop specific short and long term goals annually.

Board of Youth – The mission of the Board of Youth Ministry is to work with the congregation’s youth ministry staff person(s) to bring oversight to the Junior and Senior Youth Groups, and VOTY. The Board helps to recommend policies and procedures, reviews all aspects of these programs, and provides direction and assistance as needed. The Director of Youth Ministry shall be a member of this Board.

The Board shall:

  • Support, advise, and encourage the congregation’s youth ministry staff person(s) in their day-to-day work.
  • Assist the congregation’s youth ministry staff person(s) in planning and carrying out all Junior and Senior Youth Group events and activities.
  • Oversee financial aspects of all of the Youth ministry programs.
  • Insure that a policy is developed and enforced that will protect the welfare of our children and leaders. This policy includes but is not limited to, background checks and two deep leadership at all youth events.
  • Develop specific short and long-term goals annually.

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

Acts 20:12