“For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.’” (Isaiah 30:15)

How do you feel as we embark on a New Year? Do you want to know how to endure any crisis or situation that may occur? We find the answer in Isaiah’s oracle concerning the folly of the kingdom of Judah’s policy of not trusting in God, but of relying on other nations for safety and protection. The King and his advisors were looking for military help to secure the borders and so be able to continue Judah’s agricultural and commercial prosperity. The Lord told them that their trust was in error because the nations were mere phantoms that promised much but produced nothing. Judah was to rely solely on the Lord in the crisis. Yahweh is the one and only God so all decisions regarding alliances and strategies must be made in the light of His counsel. He alone could produce the prosperity and security they sought.

In today’s world, the idea of trusting in God, in seeking His counsel seems utterly ridiculous. The way of the world is to rely upon ourselves, material resources, armies, weapons and diplomats. Only after we take stock of our resources, formulate our plans and strategies, do we decide what to do and when. Then we ask the Lord to bless our plans. Such has been the way of most governments down through the centuries, inc. It has even been the way of many Christians and churches.

Such behavior is rebellion against God because it puts our trust not in Him but in our leaders, in ourselves and in the plans and schemes of human beings. God may use them but first He must be consulted to discern His will in every matter. Failure to trust God over all and in all invites disaster. Those who trust in Him will not be disappointed. He is always true to His Word.