“Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men, therefore, behold, I will again do wonderful things with this people, with wonder upon wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hidden.” (Isaiah 29:13-14, ESV)

Isaiah warned the people of Jerusalem that the whole city was going to become the site of God’s consuming fire to purge His people of idolatry and iniquity. Both leaders and people heard the warning yet they refused to listen. They pretended as if the words were sealed up or unintelligible. They preferred their religion to be composed of superficial acts which kept the letter of the law but did not come from a burning heart that was consumed with love for the Lord. Such religion rejects God’s authority treating Him not as Lord but as a servant who is obligated to give people what they want and think they deserve.

Many people today reject God and His Word. Like the ancient Jews, they don’t want to obey Him. They would rather try to get Him to give them what they want, what they have earned and merited. Many keep some of God’s laws, the ones they think are valid or fit in with their lifestyle, or the ones they have created for themselves. These will not humble themselves and surrender their wills to God. They carry out law but fail to extend true love and mercy.

God hates such false religion, yet it is amazing to see the level of inconsistency that religious people and leaders are capable of. Quite often they make decisions and enforce policies based on individual whims, worldly ideas, political correctness and power politics rather than on love or what the Lord desires. Such disrespectful behavior denies the love of God as well as the message of forgiveness, mercy and humility that is preached in God’s word. We should pray for God’s help that we may live lives that honor Him in all things.