“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.” (Mark 13:28-29)

Jesus’ prophetic warning about the end of the world tells of some of the signs we should look out for. He tells us to observe the fig tree. When the leaves appear we know summer is near. The lesson applies to His coming for when we observe the signs He has spoken of we will know that His return is imminent. Although He does not reveal the exact date and time that these great events will take place, he does tell us that we ought to be alert, observe what happening so that we will be prepared, so that we will going about doing His work.

Jesus warns us to be alert, to not become complacent but to remain faithful to our call. In part this means we ought to be living in righteousness and in service to Him. We are not to be toying around with sin. It also means we must be witnesses for His Kingdom. Many unbelievers are going about their daily business all around us, unaware of the eternal danger they face. How will they not know unless we tell them? Of course many millions have heard and rejected the gospel of saving faith in Christ alone, but millions have not. It may be difficult for us to preach the gospel of grace for it exposes us to persecution, scorn and hatred. What Jesus desires is faithfulness to the task to which He has called us. He has given us the Holy Spirit who will guide us in our speech and strengthen our love and perseverance so that we will always be able to testify to the truth.