“This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in Him.”(John 2:11)

Why did Jesus choose as his first miracle the changing of water into wine? It seems rather mundane compared to His other miracles such as raising the dead or healing a leper. One reason He performed this miracle was to show His love and concern for individuals. He wanted to spare the bridegroom and his wife embarrassment. A wedding was a great event in Jewish life. It was a reminder of God’s covenant relationship, a joyous celebration which recalled the Lord’s love for His people. Wine was a major factor for it blessed the wedding, heightened the joy of the celebrants and reminded them of God’s coming kingdom and of the Messiah who would provide them with the wine of rejoicing. Since a Jewish wedding celebration lasted a few days it was important to have sufficient supply of wine on hand. It would be a disaster if the wine ran out.

This miracle demonstrates the love of God. He loves and cares for us. He is concerned about our normal everyday crises. He is involved in every aspect of life. He has freed us from the slavery of the Law and freed us to love Him. He has come to prepare us to be His bride, to enter into a deep, and intensely intimate relationship with Him that human marriages merely foreshadow.

Jesus also performed this miracle to mark the beginning of His ministry. His time was near at hand. It was not that moment, but would come three years later. Then He would offer his blood to seal the covenant and provide salvation to all mankind. His blood would seal the marriage between God and man. Thus this miracle was by no means unnecessary, for it proclaimed the love and glory of the Lord and the arrival of the Messiah. Let us praise the Lord that Jesus came and perfectly fulfilled the law for us, meeting all of its requirements. He alone was qualified to die for sinners on the cross of Calvary. The salvation He procured through His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary makes it possible for men to enter into the joy of His salvation.