“Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:32-33)

Jesus knew that He was going to ascend to His Father and leave His disciples. When He told this news to them they did not fully understand what He was talking about and no doubt had questions and fears. Jesus sought to allay those fears by telling them that they would still be in
communion with Him and the Father. They would ask the Father in Jesus’ Name and would be blessed with guidance, answers and strength. They would not lack anything they needed to carry out the work of Christ. The Holy Spirit would come upon them and enable them to do what the Lord desired of them.

We believers are filled by the same Holy Spirit. We too have access to all the resources of the Kingdom of God. We never have to worry or lack for anything. But we do. When we are in pain, in the midst of difficulties, or facing impossible choices, when we feel God is absent and far away, thinking He does not know or care what we are enduring , the Holy Spirit assures us by faith that He is in control. It is such steadfast faith even in the midst of terrible suffering that brings glory to the Lord.

All of us benefit from the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has commissioned us as His ambassadors to preach the gospel but we shrink back with excuse that we lack the courage or wisdom or speaking
ability or talent to do so. But this is no excuse because it is obvious that we do lack such abilities. The Holy Spirit will enable each believer to do that which he or she cannot. He will provide each of us with the words we need at the appropriate time. He will use us to speak of Jesus and His love. He will use us to witness for the Name of Jesus. He will use us to bring God glory by leading others to Him.