“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

Martha and Mary are examples of two different kinds of people in the church: those who are humble listeners who desire earnestly to spend time with God and those who complain about the first group because they are too distracted by their duties and obligations. It is not that Martha did a bad thing. Martha was demonstrating hospitality, a gift which Abraham and Sarah extended to the Lord God at Mamre. There, the couple used hospitality to honor their guest as well as engage with Him in fellowship. Perhaps Martha paid little attention to Jesus and missed out on the blessing of His words. And then she complained.

I think we all feel like Martha at times, maybe complaining about others but just as often distracted by duties and obligations, the things for which we are responsible, the things we ought to do. Such attention to duty is good except when it consumes us to the point where it interferes with our relationship with Jesus or when we fail to show love and mercy to others.

Hospitality is helpful in advancing the cause of the church, the Kingdom of God. What is not needed is for the hospitable person to complain about or be envious of those who do not share that gift or who have other gifts. We all have our spiritual gifts, our roles, and talents that are unique to us. We all need each other. We need those gifted in hospitality for it blesses us all as it enables us to enjoy the fellowship of the Lord and His saints. But there is one way for all of us to exercise this gift: we can all go out of our way to welcome those who are new to our fellowship or who are visiting. Let them experience the love and presence of Jesus in the flesh through us His humble servants.