Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”                                                   Mark 10:38

What the disciples asked Jesus it would be as if we went to God and prayed “I’ve made my plans. Here they are. Give me what I want.” Or “You need to give me power, wealth and comfort so I can do what I want.” And that’s how many people live their lives, thinking God is with them but He is not. And then when it all falls apart, they wonder where God is? Why did he let this happen? Why did he let me fall? Why did He let me fail?

We have all made plans without consulting God both important and minor ones. We’ve made plans and now we want God to bless what we have already decided to do. We are telling God what to do, to bless and fulfill our wishes. But did we first ask Him what he wants us to do? Did we think of making our plans in the light of God’s kingdom? Have we made our decisions based on the ideals of the world? Do our plans ignore other people and their needs? Do our plans include unrighteous acts, stepping all over other people to get what we want?

The world is filled with men and women who are forceful go-getters, hungry for status, honor, prestige, and power. Such people measure success by achievements, fame, wealth and power. Such people usually are aggressively ambitious for themselves, but totally disregard the needs and rights of others. It’s a good thing Jesus was not this way. If he had put Himself first, where would we be?