Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”—and that he had said these things to her. (John 20:18 ESV)

John’s account of the events immediately following the resurrection of Jesus shows us the fear, confusion and joy that the disciples experienced. They first heard of the disappearance of the body from Mary Magdalene. Peter and John were skeptical and had to go to the tomb to confirm that the body was missing. They were so shocked by what they heard from Mary, it was so utterly fantastic that they had to check it out.

John tells us that he believed when he saw the burial clothes. Apparently the body of Jesus had just disappeared leaving the cloths that had been wrapped around his body discarded like an empty cocoon, still retaining the form of the body, but without the body. No wonder he believed and rejoiced. Later, Mary Magdalene rejoiced because she saw and talked with Jesus.

As we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, we feel uplifted as we recall that His resurrection is the assurance of our own, the assurance of eternal life. No matter how much the wicked may prosper in this life, no matter what they may do to us or say to us, that does not matter. We know that we serve a risen savior. No other faith can make that same claim. The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest, most convincing and unparalleled sign that Jesus is the Savior of the world. And that is cause for great rejoicing.