Therefore thus says the LORD: ‘If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. . . for I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the LORD. I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, andredeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.’” (Jeremiah 15:19, 20b)
Jeremiah was a prophet who complained to the Lord many times during the course of his ministry. The words we read this week he uttered in response to the reaction of the people to his most recent proclamation of the destruction of Jerusalem. He complained of his loneliness because his fellow Jews ostracized him. He protested that he was being treated unfairly for he had remained faithful to his call. 

Jeremiah here called the Lord a “deceptive brook” in contrast to 2:13 where he had called Him a “spring of living water.” His comparison implied that God’s word may have dried up, or that it may have been false from the start. Thus, the Lord rebuked the prophet by reminding him of his calling. The Lord had promised to be with him as long as he preached the truth. Therefore, God’s word would prevail despite the opposition of the people of Jerusalem.

These days some of us may feel that God has abandoned us as our nation is being torn apart by anarchists, deceptive politicians, and the COVID pandemic as well as a wave of increasing opposition and persecution directed towards the church and God. Now is the time for us to call out to God in prayer to oppose this work of the devil. We would do well to follow the example of Jeremiah. We should take our feelings, complaints, anxiety, and doubts to the Lord and not run from Him. He knows how we feel anyway, and He wants us to trust in Him. Our faith in Him helps us realize that, despite what the world tells us, He alone is the source of true wisdom, comfort,and strength. As we remain faithful to our calling to love and serve Him, we will find that His truth and goodness will always prevail over evil, no matter the cost to us.