Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, (Philippians 2:14-15)

In the midst of pandemic lockdown, it seems that some people have lost all sense of compassion, love, and graciousness. Some have responded to politicians, racism, and social justice withrage, hatred, and violence. Unfortunately, some Christians have espoused such means in the cause of social justice thinking that Christ would have them do so. The Word of God tells us otherwise. Although seeking justice and fairness is admirable, in the Kingdom of God, the use of bitter, violent and vitriolic means to achieve justice and unity are sin.

Instead, as Paul exhorts us, we are called to righteousness. We are taught that our lives must glorify the Lord, not the self or the world. We are called to be lights shining in the darkness of the world. We are not to use the means that the world promotes and espouses to achieve social justice. What we Christians are called to do is to promote and seek Kingdom Justice. In the Kingdom of God justice is tempered by mercy. Justice has been satisfied in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross allowing God to extend mercy to all. 

We grow in righteousness by emulating the example of Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We are called to demonstrate our salvation by putting put off self-indulgence, not demanding privileges or rights for self. Our ultimate concern is to work for the salvation of others, to preach the gospel, to extend mercy, toserve God by serving others. In this way we, like Paul, become offerings that please God. The Lord can use us as He sees fit. Only by accepting His call to service, peace and compassion can we find true peace and joy.