Donna Haines
“The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.
  Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.”
(Psalm 85:12-13)

We forget sometimes that God always has a plan and is always at work –not with a human plan
that could fail. His plans are always good, and we must even remind ourselves of this by
speaking these truths out loud, strengthening our faith to ourselves and before our Lord that
we know He is answering our prayers, that we know He is in total control, with power and
willingness to do good to us in ways neither we nor others can fully see with limited human
insight. It is God who causes. It is God who is able. And it is God who will act.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are my provider. You are the One who knows my needs and
knows how to meet those needs in your time, not mine. Amen