by Linda Hoeberlein
“I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will
speak peace to His people and to His saints; but let them
not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to
those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land.”

Psalm 85:8-9
Many people say the bible is an ancient book of words written
by a bunch of men and not applicable to life today. But Psalm
85 is as applicable today to the United States of America as it
was to the nation of Israel when it was written thousands of
years ago. And it is applicable to New Testament believers as it
was to the believers in Old Testament times. Psalm 85 contains
words of praise to God who has delivered His people from
captivity and who has forgiven sin. It speaks to the sin of the
nation then, and to the sins of our very own nation today. It is
a prayer that the Lord will restore favor to the land, that He
would restore us to Himself and save us, and have mercy on
us. The bible is God’s Word and it is alive and active. It would
do us well to read it and hear what God the Lord will speak, for
His Word is peace to those who will receive it. Jesus is God’s
Word in the flesh, who became one of us and dwelt among us,
showing the glory of the Father, full of grace and truth. May
we hear His voice of peace as we travel through these days of
Advent. And may He impact our lives, that we may pursue
lives of peace – peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
and peace with one another. For His salvation is near. May His
glory dwell in our land and in the hearts of His people.