“To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people,
that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with
them in its blessings.”
(1 Corinthians 9:22-23)

Most of us like to be recognized and lauded for our works and accomplishments. Look at the prevalence of award shows on TV as well as those reality programs that showcase people’s musical talents or beauty or physical strength. Most people want praise, recognition, glory, and awards from others for their accomplishments and are willing to go to great lengths to get it.

The Apostle Paul shows us that the quest for self-glory is antithetical to the values of the Kingdom of God. Paul lived a life of humility. He was a preacher who did not boast in his works or accomplishments like some modern preachers do. He boasted only in preaching the gospel of faith in Jesus which he did only by the power of God. The Lord enabled him to preach to many different kinds of people, to enter into their world, to become in some ways like them so he could better understand their spiritual situation and tell them about Jesus. He put himself in the shoes of other people in imitation of Jesus who became one of us in order to save us as well as enable us to live in love and righteousness.

No doubt this method of spreading the good news required great patience and perseverance. It was hard work. Yet, unlike many modern preachers, celebrities and politicians, in fact unlike most people, Paul did not seek remuneration, rewards, awards, fame, or kudos for this work . He was a steward of God’s Kingdom, a servant who was commissioned by God to this ministry. Though he did receive support from believers he also worked to earn a living. Yet all that he did was for the sake of the gospel. And Paul readily acknowledged that all the glory for the work of spreading the Gospel belonged to the Lord. The Lord would give him ample reward with the gift of eternal life. The same reward is promised to us.