“The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” (Isaiah 40:28b-29)

These inspiring words from Isaiah are the perfect encouragement for us believers enduring the chaos of the pandemic. These words celebrate the greatness of our King, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can rest in Him for He comforts us in the midst of the turmoil of daily life. They are meant to encourage all who read these words, but for those who deny Jesus, who lack faith in Him, they do not bring real hope for it is only by faith that we grasp the true joy and strength of God’s words. He tells us that despite what we see, Almighty God is in control of all things. Nothing, not even a novel Corona virus, can take Him by surprise. 

Now the prophet Isaiah wrote this for the Jews who would go into exile 100 years later. He wanted to comfort them in the midst of their afflictions and pain, to let them know that their trials were only temporary. Deliverance was a sure and certain event that would come but not now, but when the Lord decided to act. The Lord God is almighty, the one who created all things and sustains them by His word. No nation, ruler, or army no matter how cruel and depraved can stand in His way for He controls the flow of history.

The Lord cares for each one of us believers. He is a mighty warrior but also a tender shepherd who cares for each member of His flock. We might, like many in our world today, tend to forget that in the light of what we see in our world, not just the pandemic but also the prevalence ofdishonesty, immorality and evil that dominates our nation, as well as all the terrorism and violence across the globe. Many people think that based on what they experience or see with their eyes that God is powerless or unfeeling or even cruel. Many even deny His existence and become atheists or choose gods more to their liking. These words of Isaiah assure us that God is and He is love. He alone can bring comfort and peace to those in turmoil. Share these words of comfort with everyone you meet.