“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”          (Acts 4:12)

In the early days of the Church, persecution by the Jewish religious leaders began because the number of Christians was steadily increasing. The rulers were upset because they saw the apostles as unschooled upstarts who threatened their power. We should note that the apostles on their part had great courage from the Holy Spirit to confront these rulers and remind them of the part they played in the death of Jesus. In addition they proclaimed that not only had Jesus risen from the dead but that salvation was to be found in Him alone. This is an incredible and dangerous statement to make to anyone. The Jews believed that salvation was found in by following the Law. In addition, the apostles were equating Jesus with God.

The truth of the gospel, however, proclaims that all other religions are ineffective for salvation. They cannot make anyone right with God. This is quite a radical and dangerous claim to make in our modern pluralistic culture, a claim many find irritating and intimidating. Even many Christians attempt to soften this dynamic assertion by allowing for truth in other faiths. They fear antagonizing people or making them feel bad about themselves. But we all are sinners. Unless we feel guilt over our sin we will never know we need a Savior nor will we know that we are saved by grace through faith In Jesus not by our own deeds. So, therefore, we ought to pray for boldness so that we may tell others of salvation in Jesus alone.