“. . . that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17b-19, ESV)

Many people these days claim to believe in Jesus Christ, not the Jesus who judges and hates sin, but the Jesus who loves and accepts people for who they are. This loving portrait does not tell people to repent of sin or admit their utter weakness. But a God of love does not ignore or tolerate sin: He confronts it and works to eradicate it in the minds and hearts of those He calls. This is so that He can use them to spread the gospel of law and grace, that sin has been judged and forgiven in Him. 

Those who have been forgiven and granted faith are indeed one in the spirit. They have the unity and peace with God and their fellow man that many in our world seek and work towards. Christ has made all men one by His sacrifice. Thus, all those who are in Him are members of His church, His Kingdom. In the light of this revelation, Paul goes on to pray for them. He wants them as members of this heavenly kingdom to act in its interests, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live in the unity of Christ. He wants them to experience the full love of Christ, to be rooted and grounded in it. In this way all they do will come forth from an undergirding of love, even warning others about the heinous nature of their sins and of their rejection of Christ.