“Why have you dealt ill with your servant? And why have I not found favor in your sight, that you lay the burden of all this people on me.” (Numbers 11:11)

The Israelites had a long history of complaining against God and Moses. Throughout their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, they complained constantly and this despite all the signs, wonders, and miracles they witnessed. They should have known God would be faithful to them and provide for their needs. 

Here in Numbers 11, we find a series of such complaints made by a group of Israelites concerning the food. Perhaps they were bored. Perhaps they were not prepared to wage holy war. Maybe they had gotten used to the slow pace of life in the wilderness, or had gotten comfortable staying in the same place. They complained to Moses so often that he complained to the Lord that he was weary of the people and did not know how to handle them. So the Lord provided him with help from the elders of the tribes. He even anointed 2 additional men to prophesy, that is to preach the Word of God.

Sometimes it seems that Church people like to complain just as did the Israelites, again despite the blessings given us. While we really ought to complain about heresy and falsehood we often chose to complain about mundane items or things of little importance. This makes the job of a Pastor much more demanding and often exasperating. Leading a group of people who are selfish, immature, and stubborn is as difficult for any pastor as it was for Moses. Our pastors and church leaders need our help. We must support them emotionally and financially and with our prayers but also with our own service. We are all called to spread the gospel; it is not the sole responsibility of the Pastor or even those who are in elected positions of leadership and service. As God anointed Eldad and Medad, He can choose any of His servants to do whatever service He commands. So we really ought to stop complaining and start serving.