“He said therefore to the crowds that came out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? . . . Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Luke 3:1-14) 

Luke introduced Jesus’ ministry with a description of His forerunner or prophet, John the Baptist. John’s Advent greeting to us is “You brood of vipers!” In these chaotic days when we see Biblical righteousness dismissed and churches compromising the Word of God, we probably would love to say these words to a lot of people. Yet they serve as a reminder to us that all men, including us, are sinners. We all are in need of a Savior. 

John’s ministry was to prepare the Jews to receive that Savior in faith and repentance. His ministry indicated that God was doing a new thing, creating a new covenant, doing away with the old system of religion and Law. John was a minister of that new covenant. The chief elements were faith in God, repentance, and baptism. No longer would God accept animal sacrifices and grain offerings. He desired a changed life, a new heart, and repentance, an admission that one is sinful and wicked. The public proclamation of such an admission was announced by baptism, which indicated that one has died to self and the old ways, and begun a new life. Such repentance and faith was to be marked by the fruit of righteousness, compassion, and a benevolent concern for the poor and oppressed.

As we approach the feast of Christmas, the thoughts of many people if not most will be on things that distract us from the gospel message, things such as materialism, gifts, parties, food and sweets, Santa Claus, toys, and children. The words of Luke’s gospel bring our focus back to what is of eternal importance. These words point us directly to salvation in Christ Jesus. He blessed us at His first Advent by dying for our sins. He blesses now with grace and mercy all who repent and accept the faith He gives. But to those who reject this faith, judgment is promised. That judgment will condemn all those who reject the messenger and the message. But freedom from the consequences of sin, eternal life in the presence of God Almighty is granted to all those who accept God’s judgment of Christ on the cross as their own.