“For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, . .  .”    (2 Corinthians 8:3 ESV)

Paul praised the example of the Macedonian Christians in their giving to God. These believers were a good example of the expression of sincere generous open handed giving in imitation of Christ Himself. They were not rich; they were going through some tough times. But they pleaded with Paul to share in the privilege of giving to the ministry of their fellow saints. Their giving, beyond their ability, reflected God’s work in their lives, the grace that He had given them in forgiving their sins, and giving them life and everything they needed. This same grace was now at work in building their Christian character. This grace was also at work enabling them to give to the church. They gave out of all measure to their ability because they were committed to serving the Lord wholeheartedly no matter what the cost because Jesus had done the same for them.

Paul cites this example as a way of teaching the proper motivation for giving. The Macedonians were totally committed to the Lord. This is perfect motivation for our giving: Jesus. He gave up everything; He gave up Himself for us. We should give generously, wholeheartedly and enthusiastically just as He did for us. There is no greater cause to support than the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Giving is a way of expressing thanks and love to Jesus and as such is an act of worship.