“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:13-14)


On the night of the Last Supper with His disciples Jesus instituted the new covenant based on a new commandment. It was not written on tablets of stone as were the 10 commandments but on the heart, on the inner being of those called to be disciples. It was a covenant based on love which is not a mere feeling or emotion but an act of the will. The example Jesus gives us of true love may surprise those who are rooted in our culture’s definition of love which is physical, romantic and emotional. The love of Jesus is self-sacrificing. He sacrifices His life for those He loves. This is what love then means, sacrificing our life, our time, talents and treasures for all others including God.

Jesus also tells His disciples, and us, that we are no longer mere servants, but friends. This does not mean we are His equals in terms of authority and power but that we are partners, co-workers in the ministry of salvation. We are His friends if we follow His command to love one another. We are His friends as we are commissioned to go into the entire world and preach the gospel. Part of the fruit we are to bear involves witnessing to others about the love of Christ but it goes further. Love means performing deeds of righteousness, compassion and mercy for those who are undeserving and sinful, because that is what He did for us.