“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’ Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God.” (1 Corinthians 15:34)

The church at Corinth was troubled by members who taught and/or tolerated different interpretations of the truth which included, among other sins, the open acceptance of blatant sexual immorality. They manipulated Christian doctrines to conform to some of their former pagan ideas to make it seem more palatable to the pagan culture and society in which they lived.

The situation at Corinth sounds like the same thing that is happening across the Christian world these days. Many denominations, churches, and individuals now interpret the Word of God in the light of contemporary mores and values. Churches and denominations adopt cultural principles to make Christianity more compatible with the mainstream worldview. Unfortunately, such teachers have turned their back on God, essentially calling Him a liar. And in doing so, they have not only abandoned the faith but have put other believers in peril as well as made non-believers comfortable in their sinfulness. 

We believers would do well to heed Paul’s advice to the Corinthians. We need to chastise, correct and/or avoid corrupt teachers.  We Christians must awaken from our drunken stupor and cease from following the teaching and values of the world as communicated through the media and academia. The Church is not to be molded into the image of the world and what it values. The church is to be conformed into the image of Christ Jesus. And in that process we are to love those who do not love us for the Lord Himself died for those who rejected and hated Him. That love means telling them to truth about sin as well as the truth about forgiveness and unity with God through Jesus Christ alone.