“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! Behold, your house is forsaken.” (Luke 13:34-35a, ESV)

Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem demonstrates a great truth: God is not angry with sinners. He loves them and desires that they all come to faith and repentance. Jesus’ words serve as a warning to those who reject Him despite the evidence of His divine authority demonstrated by His miracles, life, teaching and resurrection from the dead, This would include the Pharisees  who, like their ancestors in Jeremiah’s day, were concerned with their authority, public image, and position. Consequently, they and those who followed them were to endure the destruction of their nation, loss of their cultural identity, and eternal punishment because they rejected Jesus as the Messiah.

Although God loves sinners, all those who reject Christ Jesus as their sacrifice for sin face eternal separation from God. This is why it is so sad when someone dies without faith in Christ. Some of these during their life on earth received many awards, accolades and titles for their talents, accomplishments, piety, or acts of charity and kindness. But no matter lhow many good deeds their have done or the praise they receive, those who do not have faith in Christ, who reject His gift of salvation will go down to destruction. We must mourn for them as Jesus did.

However, we Christians are commanded to preach the gospel at every opportunity so sinners will come to faith in Jesus. The Lord desires that His followers be as loving and caring as He is. He calls us to lift burdens off of the oppressed and comfort those who are fearful and afflicted with doubt. He calls us to demonstrate to others the same love, mercy and compassion that has been shown us. Though some of the behaviors and attitudes of others may really bother us, we must show love and understanding for none of us is perfect. We are all in need of forgiveness.