by Rita Liba

“Those who sow in tears

    shall reap with shouts of joy!

 He who goes out weeping,

    bearing the seed for sowing,

shall come home with shouts of joy,

    bringing his sheaves with him.”  Psalm 126:5-6

These verses from Psalm 126 are so fitting for me, and I’m sure many others as well. I had to deal with the loss of my husband, finding a new home for my two cats and leaving my home all within four months. I’ve had a lot of sadness, but so have a lot of other people during this difficult time of COVID. Not being able to get out of the house much, nor being able to celebrate the holidays with those we love. 2020 has brought a lot of sadness, but if we give all our cares and concerns to God, He will see us through and bring happiness once again in all our lives.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all the dips in our daily life, because if we stand steadfast in your love, we will learn to appreciate all you do for us. Thank you, because we know the joy is there for the asking. Amen