by Kim Merz
“In the path of your judgments,
O Lord, we wait for you;
your name and remembrance
are the desire of our soul.
My soul yearns for you in the night;
my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.
For when your judgments are in the earth,
the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.”
Isaiah 26:8-9
These two verses from Isaiah are loaded! Waiting and yearning and seeking… all human attributes that take place during the season of Advent. And although Advent is all about preparing for the coming of the baby Jesus’ in the manger, it also is about what we as Christians feel every day as we wait for the coming of Jesus on Judgment Day. We are waiting for His return, we are praying as our soul yearns for His return and are watching for and seeking that day.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember that our God is a Triune God. That Jesus’ birth on this earth wasn’t the beginning of our salvation. We were redeemed way before that. God’s plan for us, His people, was redemption for those who believe, from day one. And that all came to fruition with Jesus’ birth and His death on the cross. That’s how much we are loved by our Father in heaven, His Son and the Holy Spirit. The ultimate Christmas gift!

Father God, thank you for the birth of Your son Jesus, our Savior, born humbly in that manger in Bethlehem so long ago. Help is to always remain vigilant, as we watch and wait for His return. Send your Holy Spirit to shape our hearts and souls with a desire for You, not only in the night but all day, every day. Help us to always seek Your face, do Your will and share Your love with our neighbors.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.