by Jane Kramer
“Yes, the Lord will give what is good and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way.” Psalm 85:12-13
When my boys were small they would love to step into Daddy’s shoes or boots and clomp around the house, pretending to be as big and strong as he was. Following Daddy’s footprints on the beach or in the snow was a challenge they delighted in.

What good news in Psalm 85 that we have footsteps to follow in our life journey! God has laid out the path of righteousness throughout His Word. We need to step in those footprints every day of our life. Especially as we embark on our Advent journey we can be sure the path is still there that God laid out for us.
 Be vigilant in His Word.
 Speak to Him in daily prayer.
 Join in worship.
 Help those in need.
In other words, love God with your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. The shepherds followed God’s footsteps to the manger. Likewise, the Wise Men followed God’s footsteps to his son, Jesus.

Grant Lord that we may always delight to follow undeterred in the footsteps of righteousness you have laid out for us to reach the Christ Child. Amen.