“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.” (Micah 5:2)

As Micah pronounced the downfall of King Zedekiah of Israel he prophesied the coming of the eternal King, the Messiah. The greatest of all Kings and rulers was to come out of a lowly town of Bethlehem, the city of David. The Messiah, like his ancestor David, would rule over all the people of Israel. He would defeat all those who oppose Him or them. He will bring down all the idols and false religions as well as all those rulers, people, and prophets who promote evil and sin. The Messiah would be honored by all. He would make peace between God and man by His own flesh.

Jesus is the Messiah who has fulfilled the prophecy! He was born in Bethlehem in humble circumstances. He did not come as a military genius, political leader, or community activist or organizer. Yet He came to establish a kingdom. He did this by sacrificing His own dignity, position and life through His death as a common criminal. He then called into His eternal Kingdom the weak, despised and the inept, people such as we sinners. He gave them faith to believe and wisdom to spread the good news of peace with God not with swords, guns, or bombs but with truth, mercy and love.

These days, as in the two millennia that have passed since Jesus’ 1st Advent, the lives of the followers of Jesus is difficult. And yet, by their testimony, believers can have bring down mighty kingdoms by sharing the Good News with all people both great and small. And that Good News is that God loves them even though they (and certainly we) do not deserve it. Threats, violence, and Laws cannot change people. Only God’s mercy and love in and through Jesus can melt the stoniest of human hearts. He is still needed today as our culture slides into chaos and wickedness. We believers must go forth to tell others about the healing and new life found only in Jesus Christ.