
Trinity Lutheran Church sponsors a variety of sports programs, for kids of all ages. These programs emphasize Christian sportsmanship and fellowship at all times.

Our programs promote church fellowship and the stewardship of our bodies (the temple of the Holy Spirit), and provide athletic opportunities to grow both physically and spiritually.


Children and Youth – Trinity enters age-grouped teams in the Long Island Lutheran Church Basketball league. This program is open for children and youth in Kindergarten through high school. Sign-up begins in September, and league play is from November to March. Trinity’s gym is a busy place during basketball season, and it’s a great family atmosphere. For more information, visit

Men and Women – Kids aren’t the only ones who love sports! Trinity sponsors teams for both men and women from the congregation and school community in the same Lutheran church league. Sign-up begins in September, and league play is from November to March. For more information, go to


Every summer, Trinity participates in a Lutheran church softball league. Games are played Sunday afternoons and evenings from May through August at Town Hall Park in Lindenhurst. Call the church office at 516-931-2225 for contact information for team managers.


From September through May join Trinity members for fun and bowling. Second Saturday of the month, 7:00pm, $27 per month, includes the season-end awards dinner. AMF Babylon Lanes, 430
Sunrise Highway, West Babylon. Email Scott Galdo for more information at:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”
2 Timothy 4:7