“The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16)

In these days of cultural change, and political chaos, a lot of American Christians think they should adopt the tactics of those who they oppose. They think they are justified in engaging in demonstrations, protests, and unkind rhetoric on social media so that their opponents know how they feel. Judging by these words of the Lord in Luke 10, this is not what Jesus would have His disciples do.   

Jesus had gathered 72 of His disciples and commissioned them to go preach to the Jews the good news of the coming of the Messiah, meaning Himself. They were to prepare the Jews for His ministry for Jesus was about to journey to Jerusalem to sacrifice His life for the sins of all mankind.

As Jesus commissioned his disciples He instructed them on how to behave for they would face rejection. He advised them regarding their approach and their response to those who rejected them. Jesus Himself vehemently pronounced judgment on several of the Galilean towns that rejected Him despite His miracles, His signs and wonders and His preaching. He pointed out that it will be more bearable for Sodom than for them. Sodom was a very wicked city that the Lord destroyed with fire and brimstone because they rejected the Lord’s messengers. Why would it be more bearable for Sodom? Well, the Jews of Jesus’ day had seen and experienced the son of God Himself, Jesus, God in the flesh. Sodom had not. Both Sodom and the Jews of Galilee will go down to judgment but it will be far worse for those who actually met Jesus and rejected Him. They would regret their decision for all eternity.

Jesus had the authority to give his disciples the power to do what He did and so they went forth in His Name as His servants with His authority. The same commission is made to all believers to preach the gospel but not with angry rhetoric and violent words, but with peace, compassion, kindness and truth. The truth we must tell with love and compassion is that salvation is found only by faith in Jesus. Therefore, those who reject us and His message, reject Him. And those who reject Jesus reject Almighty God. 

Though we may think it right to attack those who oppose the gospel because we do not want the wicked and unjust to have the upper hand, we must realize the unfortunate state they are in: they are bound for eternal destruction because they reject the truth. What people believe about Jesus is what really divides humanity, not race, ethnicity, or language. Those who say they believe in Him must believe that He is both Lord God and Savior. They must have faith in Jesus alone for eternal life.