“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

We believers are called to be Christ’s ambassadors. Like ambassadors who represent one nation to another, we are representatives of the Kingdom of God. Jesus has entrusted to us nthe ministry of reconciliation, to bring the good news that God invites all men to come and take advantage of what He has done. They no longer are to alienated from Him.

No one can be blessed by this reconciliation until they respond to Jesus’ offer. And to respond they must first hear the message. Those who hear and repent will admit their need for a Savior and will be granted the gifts of faith and eternal life.

Now since God is making His appeal through us, we speak and act for Him. Those to whom we go as Christ’s ambassadors make their judgment about Him not merely by the words we speak but also by what they observe in us. What a sobering thought. Non-Christians will form their opinion about Jesus based on our word, our behavior, our actions and attitudes.

The question we need to ask ourselves then, is what will people see in us? Will they see a selfish person out for pleasure, wealth, and fame. Will they see an arrogant, self-centered, self-righteous person fill of pride who loves no one but him or herself? If so we may be responsible for someone rejecting the gospel and winding up in Hell.

As ambassadors we resolve to represent the love, compassion and humility of Jesus. When others see us or interact with us, they must see a servant who like Jesus and Paul, endures abuse, suffering and pain out of love for God and for others.  Since Christ surrendered the glories of heaven to become a human being like us to suffer death and humiliation for us, then nothing is too big for us to sacrifice for Him.