“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:21-23)

Peter exhorts believers to persevere in their trials because the nature of the gospel makes persecution inevitable.The gospel exposes sin and condemns the life lived according to the desires of the flesh. The gospel maintains that eternal life and peace with God is granted by faith in the finished work of Jesus. These truths are offensive to nonbelievers because they want control over their lives and destinies. They think they can earn a place in Heaven by religious works, rituals, or good works. They proclaim autonomy and think they answer to and depend on no one but themselves.

Those who hate Christ also hate His followers. The people in the world may think they have the upper hand and may mistreat and persecute us, but we are the fortunate ones: we have been blessed by God’s mercy. We have already entered the Kingdom of God. Yet Peter cautions his audience to always act as Jesus did in the midst of his sufferings. He loved those who hated Him and prayed on the cross for the forgiveness of those who put Him there.

Consequently, believers must behave with godliness towards those who persecute them. Believers are called to behave with kindness, compassion and goodness to their neighbors despite how they are treated in return. Yet these days this seems to have been forgotten or set aside as Christians have joined the ranks of the millions now expressing their thoughts and opinions on social media. This is good if the intent is a civil exchange of ideas and healthy dialogue. But lately partisan politics has led to a breakdown of social dialogue and civility as well as an increase in expressions of hate, name calling, and bullying. Many people express their utter contempt for others because they think that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Christians ought not to do so. Believers should think about everything they share on social media so as to behave in a godly manner that shows lovingkindness to all. Our words should build up as well as comfort for many people are seeking fellowship, compassion, and love but in all the wrong places. The Church should be the place they can find these things because our God is Love and we are His ambassadors to this world corrupted by sin and Satan.