“And he said to them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there. And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”” (Mark 6:10-11)

Jesus amazed the people of his day. He went about touching unclean people, healing those who were ill, and casting demons out of those who were possessed, things which no one at that time had ever seen on such a scale. Jesus’ fame grew because of what He did. His popularity was strengthened even more as He sent forth His disciples to preach, heal, and cast out demons. Everyone could see He was more than just an ordinary teacher or prophet. The power of God was in Him for He was God incarnate come to earth to live among sinful men and women and redeem us from sin and death. 

Today many stand amazed and hopeful as they learn of Jesus and what He has done. He provides all of us with hope and encouragement in these times of oppression, violence, and persecution. In fact He provides all people with meaning and purpose, if they were just humble enough to see and accept it and so cease their vain struggles and striving. All people need to hear of God’s mercy and grace. At the same time they must also hear that God hates sin and judges it. Hence He calls on all men and women to acknowledge that they are sinners and so throw themselves on His mercy. They cannot hold onto sin. They cannot ignore God’s judgment of it, though many try. They have become too comfortable in their sin and have fashioned God into a false idol of their own creation, one who does not accuse or judge, one who accepts whatever they want to do or what they each determine is right. Yes God is love but love means telling people the truth thereby allowing them to repent and be saved from judgment and eternal death by faith in the work of Jesus on their behalf.