“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.” (1 John 3:1-3)

Today’s woke culture commands tolerance of all religions and lifestyles no matter how bizarre, immoral, or ungodly. At the same time this culture maintains that all human being are children of God. For that reason, our inclusive media and culture would take exception with these words of Saint John for he indicates otherwise. He writes under God’s direction that only those who have faith in Christ are members of His family and, as such, are the only ones entitled to be called children of God. Many churches and Christians these days reject such a bold statement as divisive. Many instead try to be inclusive as possible so as not to hurt anybody’s feelings. But those churches and believers who teach this truth find themselves ostracized and criticized by our “tolerant” woke neighbors.

While it is true that God desires all to come to repentance and faith in Jesus, no one is a child of God until he or she is granted faith by God. Only those who have faith in Christ receive the gifts of faith and righteousness as well as an eternal inheritance as His children. In the eternal Kingdom, we will be granted glorious new bodies, free from pain, sin, sickness, and death. 

In the light of this glory that awaits us, we should live lives of purity, love, and compassion in this present age despite the pressures and temptations of our woke society. The Lord has called and chosen us to His instruments of grace on the earth, not because we are entitled to it by right or by our works. Many people in our world think they will achieve eternal glory based not on God’s grace but because of their good works or just because they are entitled to it. They ignore sin, redefine it as righteousness, or are else entirely unaware of what God desires. It is our calling to warn them of the penalty of sin but also the grace and forgiveness found in Jesus alone so that they too may share in the eternal inheritance that God in Christ grants.

Our lives and our testimonies should bear witness to the truth of the gospel and at the same time convict the people in the world of sin. And so they will hate us. We are called to love them regardless of what they say or do to us. Love is a positive regard for others, not just those who love us, not just our relatives and friends, but our enemies as well. Love is shown by self-sacrifice, displaying mercy and grace to help and bless others. Jesus manifested such love by dying on the cross. He expects us to do the same. He equips, enables, and works through us to carry out His commands.