Our Music Ministry


Trinity’s music program is quite strong, featuring a tremendously gifted organ/choir director and a truly inspiring adult choir, in addition to our wonderful contemporary band.

Trinity Choir

Music is a very important part of the Lutheran tradition, and the choir has been the traditional leader of this music. Trinity Lutheran Church is truly blessed to have multiple vocal and handbell choirs to enhance the worship experience. Trinity’s choirs sing and play music from many times and cultures, from Gregorian chant through classics of Bach, Handel, and Brahms, as well as some of the best of our current liturgical composers. Trinity often is blessed to have some of our congregation’s gifted instrumentalists join them in praising God. Center-most to all of our choirs though, is their belief in our Lord Jesus Christ and enhancing the worship service with the finest music and leading the congregation in God’s praise. The psalmist wrote, “Sing unto the Lord a new song, for he hath done marvelous things.” I encourage you now to do the same.

Trinity’s adult choir meets for rehearsal on Thursdays at 8:00pm throughout the schoor year. If you would like to join the choir, or would like more information please contact Henry DeVries by phone 516-931-2225, or e-mail hdevries@trinityHicksville.org

Praise Band

Trinity’s praise band strikes a chord with fans of Christian contemporary music by playing upbeat and uplifting songs during the contemporary Sunday morning worship services. They perform songs from contemporary artists including the Newsboys, Jeremy Camp, Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster, and many others, hoping to inspire those members both young and young at heart who enjoy this kind of music in a church setting. The big-hearted volunteer musicians feature Wayne Hoeberlein on piano, Paul Viole on drums, Tim Prohinsie on acoustic guitar and vocals, Binny Samuel on bass and Linda and Howard Hoeberlein, Betsy Lazarek and Valerie Crispell-Sutcliffe on vocals. They perform every second and fourth week of the month during the contemporary worship service at 11:00am in the church.

The band has performed at various functions in addition to its twice-monthly services and looks forward to future opportunities to share the good news in song. Contemporary worship is enjoyed by many and will continue to be a valued part of the worship experience here at Trinity.


In 2018, Trinity installed a large 4 manual digital instrument made by the Walker Technical Company of Zionsville, PA. The instrument’s many colors help in leading worship each week.

 Trinity’s Praise Band


Trinity’s Organ