Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. (1 John 3:1)

Are you a child of God? You might answer “Well isn’t everyone?” Although God has created all things and all people are created in His image, the word of God says otherwise. Only those who have faith in Christ as Savior and Lord are Children of God. Those who practice righteousness and eschew sin and sinful lifestyles are His children.

Those who reject Jesus do not know God, do not know His compassion and mercy, though perhaps they think they do. They do not view the world through the lens of God’s Word. Instead, they view it based on their own thoughts, feelings, experience, and desires as well as media spin. They have set themselves up in the place of God so that now each thinks they they are the arbiters of good and evil, the same sin which Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden.

The logical conclusion of this attitude is violence and chaos with billions claiming they the right even though they disagree with what others claim is right. All theses have rejected God’s authority by opting to do what is right in their own eyes. 

And so our nation, our world is in the midst of an earthshaking crisis demonstrated by American political division and global unrest. And because billions have rejected Jesus, they are reaping brutally calamitous consequences. John tells us that those who continue to live in and advocate for sinful lifestyles have no fellowship with God, even if they claim to be Christians. This would include many so called righteous people who boast about their good works and their love for others. The fact that they are boasting and/or seeking recognition or fame for what they do shows that they lack the humility of Christ. Often the only reason they do good deeds is to exalt self and so no one will notice their “insignificant” faults and “minor” indiscretions. They think that even God won’t mind such flaws because their good outweighs their bad.

Jesus invites all to come to Him now. He desires all to repent of sin and trust in Him as the source of all wisdom, peace, and comfort.